Monday, June 6, 2011

Early Summer Fun!

Here goes this blog... . So, I have a new Grandson! I don't have a good picture to post yet, but you can go to Kortney's blog and see her wonderful pictures and much detail about our newest addition to our family. I am so excited to go out for a 2 week visit at the end of month to see my sweet grandbabies! I really miss them! Not too long ago, Kendra and Nathan and Eisley came for a visit for 10 days. What a trip that was! We had so much fun and I got to spend some time with Eisley! Here she is!

We went out to the fish Hatchery and visited the fish... Eisley found new friends!

With all the rain we have had around here, the flood gates were open...
Now, this is where you need to scroll to the end of the blog and work your way back to this point.....The end of a long day of floating has worn out Nathan...(actually, this was his response to his wife telling him how to paddle!) We had a great time with them while they were here and miss them. Stay tuned for more adventures.... And we decided to carry the other one ACROSS the bridge...She did get out eventually,And Kendra IS in the canoe! Yes, the canoe is stuck under the bridge!

Just about to dump it! (nice action shot!)

Rapids... It was awsome!

Hitting the rapids...

Kevin just chillin....

Some relaxing on the creek...

Some obsticles to work through...

It was so nice! and the creek was just right...

We went on a lovely canoe float on Bull Creek...

We finally got Kevin to take the Moped for a spin!

Tried to get a nice family picture at the creek, but the sun was bright and Eisley was more interested in looking at the water...Behind them is a flooded bridge. (this is Bull creek where we put our canoes to start our floats)

There is a story about this bird. Every morning this bird flys up to the window and looks inside my house and then flys into the glass door repeatedly. Kennady said this is Grandmas bird...

Much rain...this is my yard!!! I have a new gravel bar now.

Kendra and Chad together again, with their offspring...

Indoor water park on a cold rainy day...Eisley loves the water!
Miniature golf with the dinosaurs...
Serj is trying to be helpful...

Harper, Eisley, and Serj had fun playing together...